But first – does anyone know why the game gives you this face during a fray?
No one else had it, just me. And usually I look just like everyone else – does it mean I’m doing really good – or really bad? Just curious really…
Now for the real point, the markets – more specifically, the Dub market. I knew with the wine box promo going that dub prices would go down – but they didn’t go down nearly as far as I was hoping. I think I managed to get 10 at 2250, but that was all before they started climbing again. I got some more at 2300, but kept more in a lower bid at 2250 which never happened. Then, somebody decided to put int a bid for several thousand at 2331 (curse him, may he suffer from bad pillys for all eternity) effectively cutting off anything lower priced for at least 10 days when the system will cancel his order (or at least what didn’t get filled). Anyway – with the goldboxes set to return in 2 weeks, I decided to cash out as much of my poe as I had on hand and get dubs instead. Obviously the best price I could get was 2332 (and some at 2335) – but hopefully when the goldbox promo begins dubs will soar to well over 2500 and I can sell back for some profit.