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Still here…

Posted by on April 23, 2016

Yeah, I know.  5 months with no updates – shame on me.  But to be honest, I just haven’t been playing all that much.  I get on to buy the latest LE sloop, maybe do a Kraken run (except all my kits have expired now), but for the most part I’ve been doing other things lately.  Mostly watching some very excellent Korean TV shows.  They’re very enjoyable (I’ve gone through 5 different series at least twice, I’m enjoying them so much), but since they’re Korean, and I don’t speak Korean, I have to read the subtitles.  Which means I actually have to pay attention.  Which means I can’t leave them going on in the background while I do something else – like play Puzzle Pirates.

It also doesn’t help that when I do get on, few of my friends are around.  It’s kind of a bummer, but since I actually find out more about what’s going on with them from facebook, the game isn’t quite a necessary anymore.  And then there’s the issue of the future viability of the game…

I haven’t given up my piratey lifestyle though.  Thanks to this…
First Kilt

I’ll soon be able to dress something like this…
kilt pirate

And trust me, those kilts aren’t cheap — in Puzzle Pirates or in real life too.

I’m not the only one who hasn’t updated their pirate blog lately either.  Rikko seems to have abandoned his blog even more than I have.  His last update is about my having put one of his pictures of Lillythanne on a tshirt for a fictional Harley Davidson dealership.  He didn’t do a calendar for 2016 either – much to my disappointment (fortunately my wife got me a Harley calendar for Christmas – but I still miss my pirate pinup girls).  I have a project in mind that I want to do, but I was wanting him to do a new Lillythanne pic for me.  He did, thought he doesn’t know it yet…

tele pic 5Part of this is the same Lillythanne picture I used on the Tshirt, along with parts from 4 other Rikko pictures (I’m not even sure he can figure out which ones).  I plan on doing something like this..

white teleExcept with black instead of chrome hardware, a rosewood fret board, and these tuners and knobs…
skull tunerskull knobNow that would be an instrument worthy of a pirate…

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