Take a look at this picture – notice anything strange about it?
How about now?
If you were wondering about the missing scarf on the yeti doll, or the strange colors on the toy cannon, you’d be correct. I first placed the cannon at our crew hall, and it turned wine colored – it has also been grey, brown, tan, seagreen, and blue. The color glitch depends on what type of building or ship it’s being placed in – lt blue here, wine at the crew hall, the other colors on different ships. At first, I thought it was just me – until Meijinn saw it too.
So, I did what I seldom do, and went to the forums for info. That’s when I discovered the glitch with the yeti doll too (I hadn’t noticed it before). It turns out that many of early toys have this glitch – the question is, are they going to fix it? I have a lot of toy cannons, but only the one that color shifts – and only the one naked yeti doll. Will they suddenly be fixed, or will they stay weird forever?
And will that make them worth more?