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Posted by on January 19, 2013

Take a look at this picture – notice anything strange about it?

Puzzle Pirates Lillythanne 1

How about now?

closeup 1

If you were wondering about the missing scarf on the yeti doll, or the strange colors on the toy cannon, you’d be correct.  I first placed the cannon at our crew hall, and it turned wine colored – it has also been grey, brown, tan, seagreen, and blue.  The color glitch depends on what type of building or ship it’s being placed in – lt blue here, wine at the crew hall, the other colors on different ships.  At first, I thought it was just me – until Meijinn saw it too.

So, I did what I seldom do, and went to the forums for info.  That’s when I discovered the glitch with the yeti doll too (I hadn’t noticed it before).  It turns out that many of early toys have this glitch – the question is, are they going to fix it?  I have a lot of toy cannons, but only the one that color shifts – and only the one naked yeti doll.  Will they suddenly be fixed, or will they stay weird forever?

And will that make them worth more?

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