This month – being Mardi Gras – the Ringer’s enabled the holiday masks, so I decided to celebrate by choosing one for Lillythanne to wear for a while. Since the masks don’t come in any LE colors (unless you waste a chroma on them), I chose a standard colored outfit for her to wear with it. And since it’s Lillyth, it was either going to be black, or gold. I opted for gold – more specifically, her gold and maroon harem girl outfit with a gold and red cat mask. Lillythanne looked so cute I decided to get a portrait made – but which one? I tried several….OK, I tried 12 of them – 3 of them with dolls (1: Werewolf, 4: Yeti, 10: Ghost doll borrowed from Meijinn) – a couple of BK Trinkets (9: Ectoplasm, 12: Spectral chain) and one BK egg (5:Gretchen Goldfang, in honor of my part in Everclearboy’s portrait). I though maybe to do a couple of gold trinkets (2 because it’s iceblue, 3 because it looks like the monkey is reading the book) because they weren’t in YPPedia yet. The potion bottle (11) looked interesting, the Katana (6) matched the outfit, the cannon (8) was in my inventory at the time, and the gold cit trophy (7) just to see what it would look like. In the end, I went with this…
After all, Cat Girl isn’t afraid of a little werewolf, is she?
Oh yeah, I ended up buying the silly serpent sloop too…
In the end, it has been a busy month – lots of cades, some successful cit runs (and a lot of unsuccessful ones too), and a lot of BK hunting. I also managed to make a few POE speculating on the wildly fluctuating Dub market this month. Maybe next month it will settle down some. We’ll see…