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Grrrrr ………………….. Part 2

Posted by on September 17, 2014

So, I go out again – this time with good old Captbigbelly.  12 people, 2 bombers — certainly this one should go well, right?

How can 2 bombers fail to keep a kraken head down?  It didn’t help that the map was cruddy, but I mean really.  I guess the final straw was when some blundering boat knocked me into a wall trying to get into the cuttle box – then griped in chat when I bumped her back.  I pointed out that she did the same thing to me, then bailed when we got booted.  Very annoying.  So I notice that Meijinn is getting ready to go in, so I go along to help out.  We start out with some average bombing support and …

… It’s lot’s of fun.  Despite the kraken head not being regularly knocked down, I still manage to get an egg and a nice group of boxes.  Same for the next run.  By time the third entry came up, it was me, Mei, Pinkpearls, Peg (all 3 of whom are facebook friends of mine), Yarmatey, Revkoolaid (who asked to heartie me), and someone else I wasn’t familiar with.  Basically, a kraken hunt with my friends.  And I enjoyed it, even on the last entry where I got tentacled every time I tried to get anything.  It was fun.

And isn’t that why we play the game?

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