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Grrrr ……………………….. part 3

Posted by on September 17, 2014

I get on this evening, looking for something to do.  I see Mei on a kraken hunt with Bigbelly again, so I click the button.  He ignores me (don’t really blame him – he probably remembers me bailing on him the other day).  But about the same time, I see a listing from Gurndigarn advertising a “casual” kraken hunt.  I’ve been with him with other hunts, and knew he was a good bomber, so I click.  He jobs me, a bunch of others I’ve never seen before, and Gamersimpson, who will be handling the bombing duty.  First entry – the booms come with comforting regularity and I get not one, but 2 eggs and a locker.  Second entry – pretty much the same thing.  Nobody rushing, nobody clumsily knocking other people into walls (well, not much anyway).  In fact, the only complaint I had was that we only did the 2 entries.

And Gamersimpson is now one of my top favorite bombers…

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