I was going to write something else tonight – I really was. But last night we came across this…
So, do you see anything odd? Anything missing? Where’s the eggs? We looked everywhere, honest and true, but there was no egg nest. We went ahead and played it anyway – Imaduck is a fantastic bomber, and we got a bunch of pods. Still, no egg – really weird.
I went out with Czarina again tonight – thought I was doing good, but I managed to miscount and end up in a whirly. it would have been fine, but some (insert your favorite expletive here) named Camelrider got himself stuck on a wind that kept slamming into me in the whirlpool and I couldn’t get out. Of course we died, but he decided he was going to spend the rest of the entry whining about it. I’m used to people whining, but when some (again, insert your favorite expletive here) calls me a greenie — I politely told Czarina that I don’t job with (you know the drill) and that I was leaving. I apologized, and told her how much I enjoyed jobbing with her and Imaduck, and she said she hoped I’d job for her again. I said I will.
But not if Camelrider is there…