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Posted by on August 8, 2012

So I’m on a SMH with Erics – and some guy is crowing how he got top treasure haul.  I look on the duty roster, and sure enough, there he was with his excellent and his 2 chests.  I scroll down and find my name – and my 7 chests.  More than anyone else.  Time comes for the next report, and there I am with a good again, and this time 8 chests – more than anyone else – again.  So, do I get anything extra for my skill at hauling in chests? Nope.  Doesn’t exactly seem fair, does it.  Oh sure, eventually I’ll get the Overflowing Chest trophy, but – who cares.  I want one of those really neat prizes that come in those nicer chests.  Oh Well…


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