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A new beginning…

Posted by on January 14, 2015

At least for 2015 anyway.  Yes, it’s been nearly 3 weeks since my last post, but I have been busy.  I did this…
calendar printout

Yes, it’s the same picture I posted on facebook, so most people reading this have already seen it – but you haven’t seen this…
008 smaller

If Rikko can get me a better scan of the “Cursed Lilly” picture (on the notebook) I’ll frame it too.  It would also be cool to have a larger version of her headshot from the calendar too, but I can wait for that.

Tonight I went on the first successful Cit run I’ve been on in weeks – we went in for 2 hours, got over 300 AC’s – almost 450 total.  I ended up with 30+k and some atlantean furniture items (and some old boots).  I also spent a lot of time going out on Kraken hunts with lousy bombers – there is no better way to ruin a night than spending it with a bad bomber.  Of course, I’ve whined about that before, so I’ll stop whining about it now.

One thing I haven’t seen much of lately are Inky chromas.  I have a inky/maroon bodice top, inky/inky boots, a maroon kraken wig — just need an inky/maroon wrap skirt.  Looked, but haven’t found any anywhere, so that means making a tan/maroon wrap skirt and using a chroma – but I’ve seen no chromas.  Not even in the Inn.  Got a couple more wine chromas, 3 more chocolate chromas — no inky.  I keep hoping they’ll show up at the trading post, heaven knows I’ve got lots of trinkets for one. Or 12.

Bought a few more gold box trinkets I didn’t have (at a decent price), so all I need to get another turtle is a ‘heart o gold’, ‘signet ring’, ‘hourglass’, and a turtle shell.  I also need a few more of any I can get cheap so I can get a set of gold sloop plans (since I can’t seem to find anyone selling them at the inn).  I’m buying it because I want to make a kraken sloop, even though I’ve already got a Hunter sloop – which is already a good choice for a kraken sloop.  It has the harpoon cannons, the barrels of harpoons, different chum buckets – even a mounted squid on the wall.  But I’m still interested in doing one up myself (much like Pegasiswolf did – only she used a gunpowder sloop) – I could use a plain sloop, like I did for my version of a skelly sloop, but I want to use one of the sloops with the raised rear deck.  Anyway, I got 4 harpoon cannons, some furniture, mounted tentacles and squids, powder kegs and harpoon barrels – even have the squidlike atlantean helm as well.  All I need is the sloop…

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