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Scuppering Bugs…

Posted by on August 18, 2012

So, after what seems like weeks of boring, pointless swordfighting – I finally reach the mystical level of NARROW in all the appropriate pirate disciplines and was given the button to start a crew!  Yay!  So, I click said button, put in the name “Old Fartz” as well as the private and public statements, then click on the create a crew button.  And I get this:

      Shiver me timbers: Crew names must contain only alphabetic characters, spaces, dashes, and apostrophes.
Correct me if I’m wrong, but aren’t ‘O’,’l’,’d’,’F’,’a’,’r’,’t’,’z’ all letters, and the ‘ ‘ is a space.  What in that name is NOT an alphabetic character, space, dash, or apostrophe?  After all that tedious leveling up, to get thwarted by some obscure bug?  I sent in a bug report – probably should have petitioned, but I’ve never been a big one for doing that.  We’ll see…

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