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Springing Green…

Posted by on March 24, 2015

Well, it’s been a slow month since I last posted.  I’ve gone on kraken hunt after kraken hunt, and all I’ve gotten is POE and a lot of duplicate trinkets.  Maybe someday the Ringers will finally offer something more than Kraken Tattoo outfits for your trinkets.  As I seldom see inky chromas coming up in the booty division, I’m hoping to see them in the trading posts soon – as I’ve got almost 180 trinkets, it would be nice to do something good with them.

Went out on several cit runs, all of them failed.  The most annoying one was done by a pirate (ironically) named Citrun.  She advertised, she filled a ship, but instead of actually trying to run a cit run – she decided to try to sink a better b-navver than her.  We sank – of course – with absolutely nothing to show for it.

I finally found something other than clothes, clothes, and more clothes to spend my POE on.

new parrotNot the outfit, the differently colored parrot.  I had been looking for a tan/white parrot (like one that was the prize in a competition not long ago), but no one was selling.  There was someone offering a tan/chocolate parrot in the inn one night and I almost went for it, but a parrot that was basically 2 shades of brown seemed less than exciting.  A day or two later, someone was arguing about familiar prices in the inn, and someone decided to offer this lovely little bird.  I offered them  a little less than their asking price (mainly because that’s all I had) and they took it.  It was less than I paid for the tan / magenta parrot I bought years ago, so I was pleased.  Still, some people in the inn thought I paid too much (not knowing what it was I paid for it).  We all know that pets, familiars, ships, etc are actually worth nothing — they’re nothing more than a few bits on a server somewhere.  Of course, the POE and dubs we spend are also worth nothing (even if you pay real money for it).  So, I paid what I paid, and I’m happy with what I got.  Of course, now I need more Spring Green clothes…

I also splurged on my first baglah…
Puzzle Pirates Lillythanne 53Since I’ve failed to find someone selling a verdant sloop, I settled on this.  I’ve also bought a Gold Class war brig, so that makes 3 total (smuggler, haunted, and gold).  Here I am with a fairly large fleet of ships – that never get used.  Oh well..

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