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Posted by on September 3, 2012

I have finally managed to combine my two favorite games, Bioshock and Puzzle Pirates…

Eleanor Lamb as a Puzzle Pirate

It took a lot to get this picture done – the biggest part was getting the outfit.  I searched through every tailor stall on Admiral and Wensleydale trying to find a tan diving helmet that didn’t cost an arm and a leg.  Then I ended up having to make the gloves, flare pants, tudor bodice, and boots — nobody already had them in the colors I needed.  I had to use gloves, because that was the only way to get the correct pose – which meant I couldn’t use the freebie picture you get with a new pirate.  So there was more poe and dubs going out the door, all so I could get this picture…

Then I had to find an appropriate Bioshock background.  Unfortunately, most game screenies were filled with splicers, or at least the players hands.  I found one that I liked – good size, proper mood, no player hands – but it had a ‘little’ problem…

Eleanor would cover most of the little sister, but not all, so I photoshopped her out, so I could layer in Eleanor.  Speaking of layering in – then I had to draw the Big Sister weapon myself, and I’m no artist.  I ended up finding an example from a video clip, then traced the outlines in photoshop – transferred that to paint to draw it, then back to photoshop to add some detail.  I also had to add in the rest of Eleanor’s boots (as you can see in the solo pic, the bottom of the boots aren’t there).  I started going through crew pic after crew pic until I finally found someone dressed in tan boots to cut and paste in.  My daughter recommended the sparks from her hand, as if she was about to use electroblast on someone, and then I added the red glow in the helmet viewport, and a shadow underneath.

And that’s how someone with little artistic talent makes a picture.  Join us next time when I finally buy Lillythanne the Steampunk outfit from an earlier post, and create the picture of her and her steamship…

UPDATE:  I wasn’t completely finished I guess – I wanted to make a version to put up on the Yppedia in Eleanor’s pirate profile.  I ran the picture through the halftone filter, using a dark brown color to get a sepia toned image.  Then used the texturize filter to make it look like it was crumpled and flattened out.  I ended up with this…

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