The other day I was talking with Pinkpearls and she mentioned that I should make up outfits to sell at the tailor stall I manage with Meijinn. I told her I had been thinking about it – but the problem was, I already made up a bunch of outfits for me! I told her I would post about them here on the blog so she (and the rest of you) could see what I had made.
The Main Hall:
Yes, I like gown and corset sets – I even have shoes with them (even though you almost never see the shoes with these outfits). The first gown I made to celebrate Lillythanne’s starfish injury, and originally wore it with a matching laurel wreath (Lillyth wasn’t royalty for a time, so no tiaras). The middle outfit was for Suzysunshine (atlantean for Lillyth, indigo for Suzy), for possible picture use. The second and fourth outfits are both for familiars – Atlantean Ippolito and Magenta Parrot. The last outfit was made because I saw another player with an outfit using the same colors, and I thought it was very interesting – antique-like in a way.
The Upstairs Hall:
The first outfit is (as you probably guessed) for matching my parrot. This time I splurged and made black the primary color (so it will make more pricey rags someday!). The second outfit was for my second familiar, a grey and navy serpent. I went with Sea Green and Navy because I didn’t have any Sea Green clothes yet, and – again – more valuable rags when it wears out. The next two outfits are Lillyth’s and Suzy’s Christmas outfits (I frequently get them top hats to wear with them). To show how seldom I wear some of these outfits – these are still good after 3 years. The last outfit I made after winning the white Atlantean helmet – although if I were to do it again, I would use lemon instead of yellow, it matches the gold trim on the helmet a bit better. Anyway, it looks a bit like a wedding gown, and I may make another one again someday and offer it for rent (sell it for one price, then buy it back for that price minus a fee for the number of days it was out).
Backyard Wardrobe:
I made a lot of clothes to wear with that parrot, didn’t I? Well, a Parrot is the traditional friend of the pirate, isn’t it. These two at least were fairly inexpensive. The third outfit was made when Meijinn first opened her tailor stall on Scrimshaw. I scoured the ocean looking for the best cloth deals – buying gold, black, persimmon (back when it was new), and maroon. That was probably the last time I actually used one of my ships <gr>. The fourth outfit I made when I won the Crown of chaos – it’s just too weird to not do something with. That’s why I opted for cheap clothes to go with it – but at least the rags will be worth almost what I paid for the outfit. The last is the first of several tabards in my collection – several pieces won during Sea Monster Hunts, so the price was good…
Art Gallery Wardrobe:
Harem Girls – gotta love them, don’t you. Most of this was won from Sea Monster Hunts (even the black stuff – which will definitely be profitable some day). The third outfit was from the ocean hopping – tailor stall days. Outfit number 4 came about after winning the mask – I think I won the mask, maybe I just found it ridiculously cheap – either way it worked very nicely with a rag skirt and a midriff blouse (all done before the age of the chromas). I did win the Night Blue buccaneer jacket, the best thing I’ve ever managed to pull from a Haunted Seas run. I found the Night Blue and purple scarf pretty cheaply, so I scrounged up a Night Blue chroma and dyed the purple trimmed pants to match. Then a pair of purple (and indigo) boots finished it up nicely.
Atlantean Wardrobe:
In my villa – I have a room set aside for portraits and other such stuff (the art gallery), and I have a room set aside for the spoils from my Atlantean runs. So it’s only fitting that the wardrobe contains Atlantean clothing. Almost every thing here was won on Sea Monster Hunts – and before chromas were available. In other words, back when this stuff was expensive. Anymore, indigo and Atlantean aren’t that pricey (although given the horrid payouts from haunted seas runs, Night Blue still is). Fortunately for me, aqua and light blue are so close when used in some of these clothes that you can’t always tell the difference.
Lillyth’s Bedroom Wardrobe:
I know it’s odd to have my male clothing in Lillyth’s room – but they’re just labels right? The first 2 outfits go back to that early attempt at using a tailor stall as something other than a closet and a place to sell goodies from CI and SMH runs. The third outfit is in honor of a pirate I came across named Lemonater (or something like that). Outfit number 4 started with a Christmas gift from Sweetpant – a red fez. The last outfit is (of course) Aloyicious’ Christmas clothes…
Shigeko’s Bedroom Wardrobe:
A.K.A. The black wardrobe – almost everything here was made in Meijinn’s tailor stall except for (I think) the black shirt with the white belt. I also have a tiara with white cloth and black jewels that I would wear with outfit number 5. Outfit number 2 was something I made up for Halloween (and to use the then new persimmon color) – and outfit number 3 was made for a photoshop picture of Lillyth on my Harley (after using a few artistic filters to make a real picture of my bike look like it came from the puzzle pirate world).
Suzy and Al’s Bedroom Wardrobe:
6 outfits in stead of 5 – but you noticed the pronounced lack of headwear with 4 of the sets. I could do something similar with all those gown outfits and their hidden shoes – but I’m not in the mood to add another day of wear to something that I don’t have to just to rearrange things. Again. So anyway – another partially Atlantean kilt set for Aloyicious, 4 casual outfits for Lillyth (or Shigeko, or Suzy – just depends), and at the end, something I talked about in a previous post.
Kitchen Wardrobe:
The tabards that I mentioned earlier, and the last 2 outfits from my tailor stall days. After making the gold/maroon outfits I had some gold left, so I made up outfit number 1 – number 2 was to finish up the persimmon and maroon. The blue tabard was first created to go with my very first karkinos (Dr. Zoidberg), while the gold and silver(grey) tabards were made for Suzy and Lillyth respectively – should they want to pose together for a picture.
Basement Wardrobe:
Yes, I’ve grown fond of the Epaulet jacket. My first one was the Royal Blue they gave out for buying dubs one month – but I really had no idea what to do with it. Then, I got the Chocolate one during a different promo. There was far more chocolate clothing available – and the chromas weren’t too outrageous, so I rounded up a skirt, hat, and boots and made this one — which looks very nice when I’m walking around with my 4th familiar, my monkey. Outfit number one was 32K – found by chance while scouting tailor stalls and shops for other things. There just seems to be a lot of Magenta and Indigo clothing out there for cheap – I suppose I should thank the CIs for that. As for number 3, just go back to my steampunk post for more on that. 2 parts of outfit number 4 came to me as a result of the winebox promo, the shoes were the result of a fairly cheap wine chroma, and the top a nice deal on someone’s rack. I’m still debating whether or not to add Atlantean as a secondary color. Finally – the “Lillythanne, Warrior Queen” outfit. I saw the golden conquistador armor and was intrigued. I found a reasonably priced one in a shop and grabbed it – then discovered didn’t have it in their system. Sooooooo…….. I recolored it from lime to Atlantean, and started trying it out against different colors and styles, finally settling on the the gown in lemon (which as I said earlier, goes well with the gold) and Atlantean. Then recolor a pair or slippers to match, and an Atlantean tiara I had sitting on the rack.
And that’s pretty much it for the villa and the wardrobes there. If you check the Valhalla Girls rack, you’ll find some ideas in progress, and some other outfits I just didn’t have the wardrobe space for. I’m looking forward to completing the “Dread Pirate Roberta” outfit (which uses a dread mask, rather than the black masked bandana, so it looks better), it should be pretty cool. The “Cinnamon and Spice” outfit came from noticing how much the maroon/magenta combination seemed to resemble Wine colored clothing.
Of course, I still want to buy that Octopus someday, so maybe I should lay of the clothes for a while…